Baylor St. Luke's Medical Center
Pastoral Care

St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital 832-355-1000
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CPE at Baylor St. Luke's Medical Center

Baylor St. Luke’s is located in the Texas Medical Center (TMC)—the largest medical center in the world—in Houston, Texas, the fourth largest city in the nation. The largest employer in Houston, TMC is home to the largest concentration of medical professional and experts anywhere; one of the first, and still the largest, air ambulance service; a successful inter-institutional transplant program; three Level 1 trauma centers; and more heart surgeries than anywhere else in the world.

Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center is a unique and exciting environment for learning. For almost six decades, the Department of Pastoral Care & Education, and specifically the CPE program, has had a contractual relationship with Texas Children’s Hospital to provide both daily floor coverage and 24/7 in-house coverage, thus creating an excellent educational alliance between two premier teaching hospitals in the nation. This educational partnership allows CPE students to experience cutting-edge medicine, exceptional patient care practices, and a full-range of patients and patient services.