Baylor St. Luke's Medical Center
Patient Center
CarePages Services

CarePages are a simple, easy-to-use service that allows family and friends to stay in touch before, during and after hospitalization.  CarePages help families create and update a free, private and personalized web page where they can share the latest news with friends and family and receive messages of support in a non-intrusive way.

The service is private, easy to set up, and even easier to use. 

CarePages allow patients and families to:
  • Share news and provide status updates before, during, and after hospitalization.
  • Create a guest message board where friends and family can build a support network without being intrusive.
  • Post visiting hours and contact information.
  • Share photos with friends and family members.
  • Choose the level of security and privacy -- CarePages are private, fully secure and password protected.

Creating or visiting a CarePage is quick and easy.  So connect, share and care today.

CarePage Customer Support is available. If you need assistance, contact CarePages at or toll-free at (888) 852-5521, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Central, Monday through Friday.

Telephone Number 832-355-1000
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